I sometimes forget that Tom aKa Syndicate is/was a YouTube gamer, considering he’s uploading vlogs about is 1st class trip to some exotic location. Salty? No, not me. He does still game and it is still a large part of his content, albeit on a various channels now and he has just announced a collab with Scuf.

Scuf Gaming, the company behind a number of high-performance gaming controllers, has partnered with the YouTuber Tom Cassell, better known by his creative name Syndicate, to design a series of SCUF controllers.

Syndicate, a long-term user and admirer of SCUF controllers, has played a key part in the creation process of the new controllers, adding his own personal touch. Each controller spotlights Syndicate’s trademark lion logo, accented with gold and silver tones, and is crafted to improve any player’s gameplay performance and boasts numerous customizable features to fit any playstyle.


“This is a relationship many years in the making. I’ve used SCUF controllers since I started playing Call of Duty and uploading my games back in 2011,” Tom Cassell said. “I’m excited to bring my fans a controller that is not only sleek and stylish but can improve their play just like it enhances mine.”

This partnership is a celebration of a joint anniversary: Syndicate launched his first YouTube channel nine years ago, the same year Scuf Gaming invented the SCUF controller. Since then, Syndicate has grown to become one of the most famous internet personalities worldwide, with millions of fans across YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms.

“I’ve known Tom for nine years and throughout this time he has been an avid user of SCUF controllers. We talked about a partnership many times, so to finally create a SCUF Syndicate controller was a memorable milestone for both of us,” said Duncan Ironmonger, CEO of Scuf Gaming. “He understands what SCUF stands for because he is a user first and a partner second. These new controllers represent that unique, organic relationship, over nine years in the making.”

The SCUF Vantage Syndicate (starting at $199.95, exclusive to North America) and the SCUF Impact Syndicate (starting at 169.95€/$169.95/£134.99) are now available on Scuf Gaming’s official website. A special edition SCUF Prestige Syndicate for Xbox One and PC will become available later this year.