I’ve never had many issues falling asleep. If it’s deadly silent in total darkness, that works for me. However, if there’s a bit of rain patting against the window, that can be soothing. And that’s what the SleepHub is all about. Using relaxing noises to help you fall asleep easier, and to keep you asleep for an entire eight hours.

But, it’s not just a device to play sounds while you sleep, although that’s an awesome part of this device. Cambridge Sleep Sciences actually use sound technology, to emulate the waves in your brain, which in turn helps promote healthy sleep cycles.

And, it’s all very easy to set up. The SleepHub comes in three units, the main hub, in which has a touchscreen to set up your device, and two speakers for left and right audio.

Setup is nice and simple too. Plug it into power, follow the on-screen instructions and hook it up to your Wi-Fi and you’re pretty much good to go. Diving into the settings menu, it’s pretty bare. You’ve got volume mixes to change, between the hum and soothing sounds, set your alarm and also change the language on your SleepHub unit.

You need to place the speakers ideally either side of your bed, on a set of bedside tables. I unfortunately don’t have two tables in my room for speakers, so I used my headboard instead and it still gave me an even mix of audio.

There is a low hum that runs through the audio though. My favourite sound, the rainfall, was soothing, and the instructions let you know that you need to have the humming noise clear, but not too loud that it takes over from the soothing sound. You’re supposed to hear it, but not actually know you’re hearing it, kind of thing. It’s difficult to explain. As long as the hum is present, it can stimulate your brain waves, and make sleeping easier. It takes a little time to get used to, and the first couple of nights you might be tempted to switch it off altogether. But don’t. Give it a proper chance.

There are several cycles to choose from. I mainly stuck to the eight hour deep sleep cycle, but if you wanted something to make yourself drift off, you’ve got the Fall Asleep option, and if you wanted to take a nap for 30 minutes there’s an option for that too. And all it takes to get to each cycle is a couple of taps of the screen. There’s really no menu system to this thing at all which I absolutely love.

But, did it help me with sleep? Well, I’m not sure. As I said at the start, I don’t usually suffer with sleep issues. However, I did turn it on every night, and it did have a soothing effect to the tones and background noise I was listening to. But, I must say, I did fall asleep faster. What happened after that I don’t know. I was zonked until the morning where I wake up for work around 8:30am. So it must be good right? I feel more fresh waking up, and the alarm function on the SleepHub really oozes you into the loud music, not like my standard alarm clock that bursts high pitched rining in my ears.

But, I will say the SleepHub is expensive. At the time of writing the review, they can be found on the SleepHub website at £474. It’s definitely not a product for everyone, and if you’re expecting to use it from time to time, or for a decent looking speaker system for your room, don’t bother. If you’re someone who genuinely has a hard time sleeping, even on the verge of insomnia, or even if you’re someone who has ridiculous sleep schedules like if you travel for work, then the SleepHub should aid in getting some much-needed sleep. For more information, head over to the SleepHub website.