Very few products have generated such hype as the Leap Motion Controller. This is the first of its kind for desktop and laptop machines. It is presented as a small three inch chrome box. Inside, this box has been packed with two cameras, and three infrared used to detect the movement of your hands.
Leap Motion’s controller gives you complete wireless control over your operating system, allowing you to wave, swipe, and poke your way through the digital menus. It is an absolutely fantastic idea, one that can relate to us tech geeks wanting to become Chief John Anderton solving murders before they’ve even happened. That’s right, I’m speaking about Minority Report.
Leap Motion allows you to do just that, kind of, still being limited to one screen. It enables your hands to navigate. You use one hand as the mouse, moving one finger to track the mouse. Push that one finger to the desk and it becomes a mouse click. Don’t give up at the first hurdle. This toy definitely needs practice to use.
Unfortunately this gadget is not a plug and play gadget. The different workings of the machine require apps, from their very own software named Airspace. Airspace’s software is very neat and tidy, putting your free and paid for apps in a grid. Very simple to see and activate.
Leap Motion is hugely good value for the product and content you get, but unfortunately does not become a suitable replacement for completely ditching those nasty old school mouse and keyboard set ups. It’s fun to use, and is a definite space saver for those computers on a smaller desk. Leap Motion have done a superb job with this product, I cannot take that away from them, the technology just needs a little more work and a higher accuracy rating. I would suggest a wireless version so you haven’t got to have your hands suspended over your desk, which can prove quite uncomfortable after an extended period of use.
There are hundreds of apps on the software, and hundreds more constantly being developed. These range from games, such as Cut The Rope, music making software, to picture viewers and even Photoshop apps. There is a lot for everyone, and a lot of free apps to get you going with finding your feet.