You are probably aware of video marketing and the numerous benefits it offers as far as digital marketing is concerned. In recent times, businesses and marketers have turned to video content creation as part of their overall strategy and its success is indisputable. However, does the recent rise in video content mean a downfall for traditional articles? This article will explore whether video content is outperforming articles and blogs in marketing campaigns.

Improved conversion rates

As an entrepreneur, you can easily tell your brand’s story with high-quality video. This is why video content has become popular in recent marketing campaigns. Specifically, video content plays a vital role in increasing conversion rates for businesses. Information about the overview of a product or service can be best delivered using video content as it easily captures the viewer’s interest and makes them want to explore the offer further.

Convenience of Consumption

Since more people consume content through their digital devices, videos have become preferable content due to convenience. People scroll their phones for information, entertainment, and content that is easy to consume at a moment of their relaxation. In such cases, video content offers more convenience because, with this option, you can be informed about a service or a product whenever and wherever you are, whether you are on the road, in a café, or in bed. Articles can be difficult to read and comprehend under some circumstances – for instance, when walking – which gives video content an edge over articles and blogs, in this respect.

Offer Better Reach

According to statistics, 86 percent of marketing professionals utilize video content for their campaigns. That is because videos create interest and drive attention to a brand, and it’s something that can be shared with ease. Furthermore, unlike articles and blogs, there’s a higher likelihood for videos to go viral, hence the reason why they have a better reach than articles and blogs.

On the other hand, when it comes to distribution, guest posts are much better. One of the greatest approaches to helping your business gain recognition and develop partnerships is through guest posts and the exchange of links. Furthermore, you can publish articles and blogs on larger platforms and gain more virality rather than competing for views on platforms such as YouTube. However, this does not mean that you should disregard YouTube. In fact, using written content to promote your video content on YouTube can expand your reach significantly.

Bottom Line

In the contest for best marketing content format, neither is the winner. Both of these formats can work hand in hand to help make your campaign a success.  If anything, every video content requires a caption and a script. When these two options are leveraged effectively, they will be able to effectively complement each other. While their effectiveness remains indisputable, it cannot be denied that video content is crucial for your brand, especially in this digital era. For that reason, if you have not started using videos for your marketing efforts, strategize and make room for it in your budget and enjoy the benefits that come with this option.