So, the next episode is here. This time the bad guy is the entire south American continent.

Space fights, be a dog, go swimming with sharks, more space, and a cheesy script as ever. Hey, and then more space bundles, but I won’t give too much away. It is spectacular though.

You get growling voices of hard men, and a convoluted tale of family love and violence – that’s Ghosts.

A dad and his two lads are at the centre of the story that sort of makes you interested in what happens.

Remote weapon access, including that dog called Riley, who needs to be carried from one battle, and some vehicles like tanks and choppers, make for an interesting mix.


You do get knocked out a few times, an easy and often repeated method of moving locations and story lines along, but it’s ok.

Big explosions, betrayals, twist at the end – it’s all classic CoD.

It’s a relatively short romp mind, and I am not inclined to play it again.

But what you mostly want to do is get into the multiplayer.

That is super complex when you first get in to it with all the new methods of building your soldier. Girls are included too for all the lady shooters out there.

Plenty of maps, plenty of new methods of playing, and no zombies. Dogs also make an appearance.

Whether Ghosts will take over from the other online stable of CoD varieties remains to be seen.

I am still playing MW3 for hours on end, so this may appeal to some and not to others.

It is of course going to be in any CoD fan’s library, but I do recommend it to the starter too.